Monday, February 21, 2005


1. 家與性別角力
1.1 為甚麼要丈夫不在家,家庭主婦才有家的感覺?
1.2. 為甚麼家庭主婦離家出走這麼難?
1.3. 試分析一下你家裡的性別關係

2. 空間設計與性別經驗
2.1. 還有甚麼家庭用品(例如家庭電器)具有性別意涵?
2.2. 試在常生活裡舉一例,是有關空間設計與性別關係的。
2.3. 廁所為甚麼要分男女?能不分男女嗎?
2.4. 試分析嶺南大學對面的小學旁的小路,為甚麼不少學生(特別是女性)會覺得不安全?從中你能看出,從經驗上,安全的街道需要甚麼元素嗎?


Dwelling and the experience of burglary

1. What is the authers' method to investigate the experience of burglary?

2. Why is "burglary" important to understanding dwelling experience?

3. The author said that home is over-invested? Why?

4. What dimensions of identity are hurt by burglar?

5. Why do some home owners describe burglary as "work"? What are the psychological reasons?

6. "Any dwelling action contains a vision of the future." Please explain.

Suggested exercise:
Do you know anybody who had been burgled? Explore his/ her experience of burglary and further discuss dwelling experience.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


1. Human being and the world (Phenomenological approach)
1.1. Subject vs. Object?
1.2. The indivisible attachment of human being to the world (environment).
1.3. The relationship between subject and space is not only cognitive but perceptive and emotional.
1.4. Environmental perception, cognition and emotion.
1.5. There is a need to understand locality and region in terms of the person who lives and uses in the place-- life-world.
1.6. Perception (inside-ness) is prior to cognition, a pre-condition for objective thought (outside-ness).

2. Spatial experience as perception (知覺)
2.1. Embodied self: through body and senses, we attach to the world.
2.2. Our body movements -- postures and gestures -- merged with the world.
2.3. Perceptive structure is not universal to everyone.
2.4. Perception is situated at social dynamics (gender, class, ethnic, ...)

3. Exploring perception
3.1. A reflexive understanding for both insider and outsider.
3.2. (For insiders) Critical awareness of the perceptive structures and their contexts
3.3. (For outsiders) Critique of the cognitive models of space.
3.4. The interaction between perception and cognition or sense and representation.

4. Further applications
4.1. Community/ participatory planning (US) and social architecture (UK)
4.2. Post-occupancy evaluation
4.3. Example I: Pattern language
4.4. Example II: 社區營造

Monday, February 14, 2005


1. 目的:

2. 從中發現的問題:
A. 微觀的問題:
2.1. 對一位坐輪椅的朋友來說,嶺南最方便的入口是哪兒?
2.2. 第一次來嶺南的坐輪椅人士,透過永安廣場兩邊的地圖,是否能知道該如何「走動」?地圖是給誰看的?誰又會被忽略?
2.3. 那些斜坡,給走路及坐輪椅的使用者,有何不同的感覺?
2.4. 建築物的各道手拉門的大小及設計,與輪椅使用者的需要及習慣是否配合?
2.5. 有哪些看似安全的校園地方,對輪椅使用者來說是危險的?

B. 宏觀的問題
2.6. 校園的整體設計,哪裡及如何體現出以健全人士經驗為主導?
2.7. 校園的空間符號(地圖/路標/地標),又如何?


Wednesday, February 02, 2005


1. 空間成為文化討論的新重點

2. 空間是甚麼?
2.1. 空間與人的記憶與經驗
2.2. 空間與歷史
2.3. 空間與文化爭議
2.4. 規劃主義及地產商單一維度

3. 空間的理論意義(Michel Foucault)