Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Social Relations

1. Social sciences and time
1.1. Social Darwinism
1.2. Social evolution and revolution
1.3. Time: a linear view of time
1.4. Example: Marxist theory
1.4.1. History and class struggle
1.4.2. The progress of history is the accumulation of productive power
1.4.3. Primitive communism-->Slavery society-->Feudalism-->Capitalism-->Socialism-->Communism

2. Social sciences and national space
2.1. Society (or economy)
2.2. Space is given and the national boundary is assumed.
2.3. Social relations are confined to the national boundary.
2.4. The rise of the power of nation-state.

3. Social sciences and time-space dynamics
3.1. The notions of globalization
3.2. Globalization of capitalism (production and consumption)
3.3. Globalizaton of human flow
3.4. The crisis of social sciences

4. Social relations and globalization
4.1. Spatialized social relations:
4.1.1. Dependency theory
4.1.2. World System Theory (Core, semi-periphery and periphery)
4.2. Material process in global space (David Harvey): Time-space compression

5. Time-space compression
5.1. Industrial revolution and Fordism
5.1.1. Space: agglomeration of producers and products
5.1.2. Time: labor time and industrial time
5.2. Post-Fordism and Flexible accumulation
5.2.1. Space: An expanded production newtworks
5.2.2. Time: Just-in-time and real time


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